How do you consolidate the enormous amount of orders originating from different sales channels on your primary business management solution? If you’re a retail business owner with multiple retail channels then you know the challenges involved. Not only the task itself is arduous but bears sensitivity to human errors that could result in significant losses for the business – both in terms of monetary value and reputation. The complex nature of businesses calls for a shift in the utilization of human resources from mundane to more cognitively demanding tasks. Manually inputting every order detail from each sales channel into the primary solution would require too much consumption of precious human resources. Thus, the need to consolidate, sync, and integrate orders of all sales channels efficiently is crucial.
The x2xecommerce RMH-WooCommerce integration solution Order Manager module is designed specifically to serve as the answer for such challenging situations. Considering the architecture of both solutions the expert has designed the solution to be compatible and efficiently integrate orders between the two platforms allowing for an automatic consolidation of order information and its processing in a unified manner.
The x2x RMH-Woo Order Manager and its functions
The RMH-Woo Order Manager is one of the two modules of the x2xeCommerce RMH-Woo integration solution that enables order management of the WooCommerce orders in RMH. The modules come with the following functions
Order downloading: Download the order from WooCommerce to RMH.
Uploading price: You can also upload item prices from RMH to WooCommerce.
Uploading inventory: You can also upload inventory from RMH to WooCommerce.
Other features of x2x RMH-Woo Order Manager
The usability of any solution holds great significance in the perception of its users: if the solution offers great function yet is difficult to utilize then it’ll present a difficult learning curve and many users will never be able to realize its full potential. The Order Manager module of this solution is designed with the convenience of the user in mind to deliver a solution that aligns with the diverse needs of varying user profiles and offers a user-friendly interface at the same time. Some of the features of this module include.
The flexibility of any business solution is important to allow for different business needs. The x2xeCommerce RMH-Woo integration solution offers various settings that can be configured to meet the varying business requirements of businesses. Some of the flexible options provided are
Select the fulfillment status of the order to be downloaded.
Select the default salesperson to be assigned the web orders.
Choice to use the default customer or create a new customer, to accommodate each order.
Select the default payment method.
Option to create order if payment method or item not found.
Other than the options given this solution is fully customizable allowing it to meet the specific customer demands as needed.
The scheduler allows you to select time intervals and have the integrator automatically download orders and perform other important syncing operations automatically. This is crucial in ensuring the data always remains updated by preventing any missed syncing operation and could be very helpful in situations where orders and product data are being updated/generated frequently. Furthermore, it makes the operations more efficient by freeing up the resources that would be needed otherwise to manually run the syncing each time there is some data change in the system.
Item sync
This is another important process that ensures that all items between the RMH and WooCommerce are in sync allowing the orders to be processed for relevant items as the orders are downloaded and transacted in the RMH.
Test mode
Of course, when hundreds and thousands of items are involved, you need to ensure that the data mapping and other configuration is right in place according to your requirement. Considering this the solution enables the user to test the configuration by activating the test mode. In test mode, the syncing process for any one item can be tested to validate the accuracy of it. This prevents any unnecessary changes to the data due to incorrect mapping.
Last activities date/time
Another important aspect to consider when it comes to integration is the time of syncing because it’s this crucial point after which all the items are synced. This means any order information or other data before that isn’t synced between the two platforms. This option displays the last time different syncing processes occurred. If for some reason any of the previous information is not synced, the user can select the previous date and rerun the syncing process.
All/latest price & inventory upload.
This option lets you decide if you want to update/upload only the updated information from RMH to WooCommerce or all of the information. Usually, for the first time, all information is updated as it makes sense. However, in later situations when the initial syncing has been completed, the latest price & inventory upload is usually sufficient to make the necessary changes.
Lock activity
Lock activity is yet another useful feature that locks the download process to prevent any duplication order downloading if the process gets interrupted due to some reason. The process resumes in the same sequence after it has been unlocked.
The inclusion of multiple sales channels in your business requires a unification of your business management process to realize a business system that works in harmony. The x2x RMH-WooCommerce Order Manager Module lets you download and manage your webstore orders into RMH where you can consolidate orders from different sales channels and process them in a unified manner.
If you’re looking for an integration solution, then x2xEcommerce can provide you with this and many other integration solutions in the domain of ERP, POS, and Ecommerce, An example of another solution by the x2xecommerce is The x2xEcommerce RMH-Shopify integration solution. Reach out to the x2x team for any query or a free demo.