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What makes the x2x RMH-Woo solution great.

An image with the title of the blog.

The necessity to understand the business encompasses many different aspects of your business. One important domain is understanding your business solutions. This involves analyzing the requirements of which business solution would suit you best and understanding the comprehensive features of your existing business solution in order to leverage them to the best of their potential and enhance the efficiency of your business. It also comprises keeping yourself abreast of the latest updates and tools that align with your business. This article will discuss the integration solution offered by x2xecommerce called the x2xecommerce RMH-Woo integration solution and some of its features. If your business is based on these two platforms then this solution can enhance your business operations.


The ability to sync the item and order information automatically is what gives the x2x RMH-Woo its purpose – make the process of syncing the platform automatic and less dependent on human resources to enhance the efficiency of business operations. While you can also choose to sync data anytime you prefer using the syncing buttons provided with just a single click, the scheduler takes it even further by making the syncing of two platforms completely independent of any human intervention. The scheduler features allow you to set up any syncing operation at set time intervals to align with your operational requirements. The solution offers a scheduler for the following tasks:

  1. Order downloading

  2. Inventory uploading

  3. Product syncing

  4. Inventory syncing

Setting up a scheduler, therefore, provides a sense of contentment to the business management ensuring them their product information among their two disparate platforms is updated. It also frees up resources that would otherwise be occupied with such a task manually to focus on a more demanding task, as well as eliminates any chances of errors for increased accuracy in business operations.

Locking feature

While seeking integration between two platforms aims to increase product data homogeneity, the requirements of some hybrid retail businesses call for different product information on different sales channels in some aspects. Here the locking feature of the x2x RMH-Woo is useful. When an item is locked in the x2x integrator any further changes in its information on RMH don’t reflect on WooCommerce. This allows the management to present any information according to the requirements of the online platform if they need it. Some of the ways this can be useful:

  • Management wants different categories for the same item on the webstore than on RMH.

  • Management wants a different description for webstore items than on RMH.

  • To define a different catalog structure on the webstore than RMH.

Price syncing with RMH-Woo

The incorporation of multiple sales channels for a retail business can incur different costs for each channel, marketing cost, customer acquisition cost, and a number of other factors can affect the cost price of the same product when it comes to selling on different platforms which in-turn might also affect the sales price of items on that channel. Furthermore, it’s possible that as part of some campaign, the business decides to offer discounts on their webstore for some products. The x2x RMH-Woo integration solution provides the possibility of having different prices of the same product on the webstore and RMH. This allows a greater level of flexibility to management in managing their omni-channel business according to their requirements.

Syncing of pre-existing items

Any business involves many complexities and the quality of any business solution that intends to serve it can be judged from the fact of how much these complexities are considered when designing the respective solution. The x2xecommerce RMH-Woo integration solution adheres to the business dynamics of the ecommerce business while also giving due diligence to the retail hybrid model. Demonstrating such considerations in its design, the solution allows any existing product on the webstore to sync with those on RMH to prevent any duplication of the products on the ecommerce site. The need to understand and realize such small aspects of integration operations makes an integration solution stand apart and the x2xecommerce RMH-WooCommerce integration solution diligently shows this with its features such as this.

An image showing interface of the business solution.


The advancement of human civilization is making the dynamics of business more complex and needs updated tools and resources to manage and maintain business operations. With so many requirements and operations involved depending on the nature of the business, it’s paramount to the efficiency of the business to understand its requirements carefully and then choose solutions that align mostly with them. Here the need of having a customizable solution comes into play as well. The x2xecommerce RMH-WooCommerce solution is not only a comprehensive solution but also is customizable to different needs.

Plus, if you’re in need of other integration solutions, x2xecommerce provides integration solutions in the domain of ERPs, POS, and ecommerce. An example of another solution by x2xecommerce is the x2xecommerce RMH-Shopify integration solution. Reach out to the x2x team for any query or for a free demo.



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