Digital technology has opened up many platforms in every domain of our life, causing us to be more extensive. Such is the case for commerce as well; the 21st century has seen a rapid rise in the presence of online stores, and thus the creation of hybrid retail businesses – a model where retailers sell both online and at physical stores. However, such innovation calls for a dire need: an integration between the solutions running disparate elements of this hybrid business model. Without any harmony among those solutions, the business risks wasting their precious time and resources and becoming prone to discrepancies and errors.
While many integration solutions serve the abovementioned needs, the x2x Business Central-Magento integration solution is developed to support desired ecommerce operations.
What is the x2xecommerce BC-Magento integration solution?
The x2x BC-Magento Solution is one of the integration solutions offered by x2xecommerce; It is developed using the same language used to create Microsoft Business Central and therefore acts as a native addon to the Business Central. The solution enables the users to manage common entities between Magento & Business Central using the BC platform by syncing those entities and transfer of data between the two platforms. The solution allows you to
Download and process Magento orders in Business Central.
Upload shipment & fulfilments from BC to Magento.
Upload items and parent items from BC to Magento.
Upload customers from BC to Magento.
Upload prices & inventory from BC to Magento.
Create & upload categories from BC to Magento.
Omnichannel Experience
One amazing benefit of having a hybrid business is its ability to offer an omnichannel experience to its customer base; the customer can shop online and have it pick from the physical store after physically inspecting the product, in-store staff can check the preferences for an existing online customer when they visit a physical store and give them relevant suggestions and customers returns can be processed hassle-free for online order at physical stores. Such trade dynamics and interactions with customers are critical to the success of a hybrid business model – customers’ interactions must be consistent across all channels to provide them with a seamless experience.
Group pricing
The dynamics of your business relations with customers depend on many factors – their loyalty, frequency of orders, nature of the order, payment terms, etc; this puts different customers in different categories and most often are charged differently by businesses, e.g., you may be selling the same item for a lower price to some of your customers with a membership card. The x2x solution enables setting such pricing rules for Magento customers using Business Central; the solution integrates group pricing in Business Central with Advance pricing in Magento. Thus, having this functionality in the integration solution allows you to charge different customers differently for the same products – a popular phenomenon in the business world.
Flexibility to configure Order updates
A business should be able to keep customers updated on their order status, but how do you ensure it if you’re processing Magento orders in Business Central? The x2x BC-Magento Integration solution lets you choose how to update the order status on Magento as the order goes through different stages of order processing in Business Central; this lets business owners select the configuration that pertains to their order processing and payment methods, besides ensuring that their customers remain updated on their order status as they get processed in Business Central.
In the world of hybrid commerce, integration is necessary to ensure your business system works in harmony. While the availability of multiple integration solutions is a good thing, it also leaves the onus of selecting the right solution for your operations on the business management; if a business chooses a solution that doesn’t integrate important functionalities and operations crucial for its operations, then it’s a waste of money and time.
The x2xecommerce Business Central & Magento Integration solution is a comprehensive solution developed considering various business requirements. Furthermore, the x2x team can customize the solution as per your needs. If you need this or any other solution, such as x2x Business Central & Shopify, reach out to the team for a free demo or any queries you have.