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Inventory transfer management with x2x RMH-QuickBooks

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Managing a business is a difficult operation requiring careful consideration of many aspects that involve analyzing, monitoring, and making smart decisions. Talking of decision making, any business can tell its importance in deciding the fate of your business. But how can you make smart decisions? Of course, following good practices of decision-making is a must but if the data on which the very foundation of your decision-making process exists is flawed then no matter how smart you are you’re at the risk of making the wrong decision that can hurt your company, and bring negative consequences. This is not a desirable thing for any business, in fact, many businesses dread making any decision without appropriate data. For this reason, the importance of data management in the business world is crucial.

For retail businesses, many business decisions are based on their inventory data since most of their business operation is based on selling tangible products for which they must first possess those items in inventory somehow. However, in such an environment where inventory is always dynamic the necessity to account for any inventory-related transaction is a must to hold an accurate overview of your accounts and operations to aid in the decision-making process and compliance with regulation. This article will discuss how the x2xeCommerce RMH-QuickBooks integration solution helps retail business integrate their inventory transactions in RMH with their QuickBooks account.

What is the x2xeCommerce RMH-QuickBooks Integration Solution?

The x2xeCommerce RMH-QuickBooks Integration Solution is a comprehensive integration solution designed to help retail businesses integrate their RMH transactions with their QuickBooks accounts automatically eliminating the need for any human inputs and helping them realize a unified business infrastructure that optimizes their operations by eliminating errors and increasing the efficiency of their operations. To learn more about this solution please click on this link.

Why maintaining inventory-related accounts in QuickBooks is necessary?

Accounting is a very sensitive part of any business where the accuracy of data is very important since it serves as a foundation of many other important things relevant to decision-making and compliance. An accurate representation of your account is needed to generate accurate income statements and balance sheets to ensure transparency of the financial health of your company. Furthermore, it helps with assessing the Cost of Goods Sold and making calculations relating to the profitability of the company. Tax compliance which is a necessary and strenuous aspect of business management also demands proper maintenance of your accounts. Moreover, reorder points, slow-moving inventory, and other inventory-related metrics need to be measured as well for accurate decision-making relating to inventory making proper maintaining your inventory accounts necessary. Looking at this it's hard to ignore the importance of maintaining inventory accounts properly for your business. Let’s see some of the features relating to it offered by the x2xeCommerce RMH-QuickBooks Integration Solution.

Features of inventory transfer management 

The x2xeCommerce RMH-QuickBooks Integration Solution generates the relevant inventory transaction in QuickBooks for associated inventory transfer transactions in RMH ensuring an accurate representation of your RMH inventory transactions in your QuickBooks accounts as per the defined account mapping that offers flexibility to the user. This feature is contingent upon the activation of the inventory adjustment module in RMH. The solution also incorporates a review window of all the transaction entries specifying the accounts credited and debited allowing the user to review all the QuickBooks accounts being populated with RMH transactions. The account mapping feature of the solution offers users flexibility in syncing their RMH accounts with QuickBooks accounts of their choice. 

Types of inventory adjustments handled by the x2x RMH-QuickBooks

Being a comprehensive solution the solution handles different types of RMH inventory transfer and their accounting in the QuickBooks:

  1. Changing the inventory balance on the item card.

  2. Creating an inventory write-off transaction 

  3. Physical count

  4. Moving inventory to or from the inventory.

  5. Inventory transfer between stores

With all these different accounting transactions you can ensure that every one of your RMH transactions is being recorded in your QuickBooks account so that you can confidently make accurate decisions with the transparency of data.

A user interface screenshot of the software.

Transmission of transactions

Once the transfer transactions in the x2x RMH-QuickBooks system are available they can be reviewed and sent to QuickBooks either manually or automatically through the scheduler. With an automatic scheduler, you can ensure that both of your solutions remain aligned and consistent with each other without the need for any human intervention, keeping your accounts parallel with your inventory movements.

Inventory transactions between stores

Of the different inventory adjustment methods offered the inventory transfer between stores deserves more description. The solution accounts for the mapping of transfer accounts between the two solutions. When the transfer is initiated the sending store’s inventory account credits while the transit account in QuickBooks debits. When the inventory gets transferred to the receiving store the transit account gets credited and the receiving store account is debited. This way the solution ensures that the inventory is accurately represented and tracked in the accounting system of the company during the transfer phase.


Making accurate inventory decisions is essential to the success of your retail business operations and this can’t be done properly without properly accounting for inventory-related transactions in your QuickBooks accounts. The x2xeCommerce RMH-QuickBooks integration solution ensures that you achieve this by integrating your RMH accounts with your QuickBooks account so that any inventory-related transactions in your RMH are reflected in your main accounting platform and you can ensure consolidation of all your accounts and transactions. With this solution implemented, therefore, you can ensure a transparent and consistent accounting system for your business operation systematically and autonomously enhancing the efficiency of your business.

The x2xeCommerce being an expert in providing integration solutions also provides integration solutions in other domains such as eCommerce, POS, and ERPs, and if you’re looking for this or any other integration solution you can reach out to the x2x team. An example of another solution by the x2xeCommerce includes The x2xeCommerce RMH-Shopify Integration Solution. Contact the x2x team for any query or a free demo.



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