Retail businesses present a very dynamic environment with frequent transactions occurring. Such a business nature demands constant and diligent efforts to properly account for and manage all its transactions due to the high frequency of orders. Modern management systems, therefore, employ business solutions to meet needs such as Point of Sales systems and accounting solutions. However, the complexity of today’s business means that most often many of these businesses are using multiple disparate solutions for their management needs, each handling the common transactional data for different purposes such as accounting and inventory management.
To maintain consistency among all the business departments and their processes the need to ensure consistency between them is vital. Since the customers' orders and transactions are related to many other processes in a retail business their integration and all the relevant processes must be synchronized to achieve a unified business management system. Furthermore, in a multi-channel retail setting, inventory and transactional data are also required between the respective solutions for these channels. This article will discuss some of the order integration and management features offered by the integration solution by the x2xeCommerce called the x2xeCommerce BC-Shopify integration.
A bit about the x2xeCommerce BC-Shopify
The x2xeCommerce Bussiness Central and Shopify integration solution is an integration solution offered by the x2xeCommerce for hybrid retailers utilizing Business Central and Shopify. The solution is developed by a team of x2x developers holding knowledge of both of these platforms and is developed using the same language as Business Central which enhances its compatibility with the Business Central. The solution acts as an add-on to the Business Central providing the user with familiar and easy navigation for seamless adoptability. Some of the functionalities offered by the solution include:
Shopify order integration and management
Sync BC items & categories in Shopify
Mapping of payment methods between the solutions
Mapping of tax details between the solutions
Customer integration between the solution
Inventory integration
Task schedulers
Functionalities of order management
The x2x BC-Shopify integration solution is a comprehensive solution developed with consideration of various requirements. The main functions of the order integration and management offered by the solution include:
Order Dashboard
For any integration operation tracking your integration activities is important to ensure the consistency of data. The x2x solution offers a comprehensive order dashboard presenting all the relevant information to the user. Once the orders are downloaded they appear here. The details displayed include
1. Shopify Order No
2. Financial Status
3. Business Central sales Order No
4. Shipment No.
5. Invoice No.
6. Order Customer ID
7. Order ID
8. Name
9. Order Email
Download menu
The order download menu allows the user to configure the settings and functionalities related to the order downloads and management. The user can choose to enable only those options that pertain to their requirements. An option that is worth mentioning here is the ability to choose the “from” and “to” date for the order if the user wants to download Shopify orders from a specific period.
Sales orders generation
The order download menu allows the user to enable automatic sales order generation when the orders are downloaded. This saves time for users by preventing them from manually doing it for each downloaded order. The sales orders generated are visible in the order dashboard for each respective order. These sales orders can be deleted and re-generated before posting if required. Also, if the downloaded order doesn’t have the necessary details then the solution generates the message specifying the reason.
Fulfillment upload
The user can choose to upload order fulfillment automatically as the sales orders are posted or manually do it for each order. The solution also provides the option to post the order fulfillment in bulk.
Order modification
The solution provides the user with order modification capabilities. If the Shopify order is modified before it’s posted in Business Central, then when you download the orders again the modified order in Shopify will be updated in Business Central.
Order Cancellation
Just like order modification the canceled order on Shopify will be canceled in Business Central (if it’s not posted in Business Central) when the order downloads process runs again.
Orders refunds
The solution also facilitates the order refund process. Both fully and partially refunded Shopify orders are updated in Business Central generating the sales return order in Business Central. Upon posting this sales return order it’s converted into a credit memo.
An effective business operation and management demands consistency among all business solutions in utilization. For something as frequently occurring as business transactions in a retail business the need for this is even more true. The x2xeCommerce Business Central and Shopify integration solution helps you seamlessly achieve this by ensuring all your orders along with other important entities are synchronized between the two solutions. With the x2xeCommerce solution, you can autonomously ensure this enhancing the productivity of your business operation and improving the accuracy of your operations by preventing errors. Furthermore, if you’ve some specific needs the x2x team can customize the solution as per your requirements.
The x2xeCommerce being an expert in providing integration solutions in the domain of ERPs, POS, accounting, and eCommerce can help you establish a unified business management system. An example of another integration solution by the x2xeCommerce solution the x2xeCommerce RMH-Shopify integration. Reach out to the x2xeCommerce team for any query or a free demo.