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Enterprise eCommerce Platforms: The Emerging Trend

In today’s competitive world, adopting a digital marketplace is not a matter of choice but a survival. The ability to sell and capture the market through online channels can decide the fate of a business. Moreover, the features offered by Enterprise eCommerce Platforms like advanced data analysis capabilities, ability to sell on different marketplaces, quick adoption of the new sales channels, prompt response to complex operational needs, dealing with a large volume of customers, and handling market pressure drives organizations to think bigger and go beyond Unified eCommerce solutions.

This changing market trend has an impact on the choice of eCommerce solutions that the business makes for themselves. Enterprise eCommerce has the capability to provides a range of feature sets. These features include focused market support, scalability options, and innovation, etc. Consequently, there is a noteworthy shift from Unified to Enterprise eCommerce Platforms.

Market Share Analysis:

According to the data available on, we can observe the significant shift from Unified to Enterprise eCommerce. The charts below present a figure of live websites, which clearly shows that the number of live websites of enterprise eCommerce platforms has much higher than those of unified ones.

Limitations associated with Enterprise eCommerce and ERP Connectors:

ERP Connectors developed on top of the ERP database (Unified eCommerce platforms) have an advantage of tight integration with ERP. But this benefit becomes their limitation and it’s difficult for them to compete with current innovations and keep up with changing trends in the eCommerce world.

At the same time, Enterprise eCommerce also has its challenges and limitations. The ERP is designed to perform different operations and has a different scope as compared to an eCommerce website. Most of the available connectors in the market are incapable of providing end-to-end connections as they are only creating relationships between the common entities of the two units. These familiar components usually include Items, customers, inventory & prices quantities, and sales orders.

This partial ERP applications integration with an eCommerce website decreases the organization’s overall efficiency. In this type of assimilation, certain functionalities need to be performed manually like Creating Product Catalog, adding Images, SEO capabilities, etc. which are not a part of an ERP.

The Edge of x2x Integration:

The x2x eCommerce integrates ERP entirely and splendidly with different eCommerce platforms. We have added a separate eCommerce module into an ERP solution, it provides the eCommerce-related elements in ERP and makes it more compatible with the Enterprise eCommerce solutions.

For further assistance. Feel free to reach out to us. Please visit our website, our email is, or you can call us at 877 927 2927.

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