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Seven successful eCommerce strategies to K.O. the competition

eCommerce has become an extremely convenient outlet for consumers for the products and services, they want to buy. Per some estimates, there are about two million eCommerce sites. With eCommerce being such a competitive arena, it is essential to consider some well tested strategies that will knock out your competition.

1. Planning

As much as an eCommerce site launch requites adequate planning, the ongoing management of the webstore also require careful planning and management. A well-planned use of tools like Search Engine Optimization(SEO), Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and Paid Advertising can help beat the competition.

2. Customer friendly

With no sales persons to guide the customers, customers buying decision is based on their perception about the Company and the people behind the store. A bug free, customer friendly; and well-designed site capable of guiding the customer though their buying process and address their concerns leads to higher and value added sales.

3. Mobile friendly

With the increased use of mobile devices especially smart phones, the customers prefer to shop on the site while they are having a coffee or waiting for a bus. Businesses which can capture the attention of these potentials customers are yay more successful than their competition.

4. Social Media friendly

Social Media is a very valuable tool communicate with the customer and to get their feedback and suggestions. This two communication help companies to understand the customer needs to improve the offerings. Managing social media requires constant monitoring and posting of new content.

5. Social Elements

Customers love to read reviews. Their opinion about any site is affected by the social buzz. Giving customers the opportunity to share their opinion about the site, products, services and offerings give them an impression that you care for their business and for their opinion.

6. Well Optimized

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is absolutely important for the success of any site. SEO ensures that the customer find the site in the jungle of millions of other websites trying to attract the same customer. SEO help bring in the relevant traffic by targeting the right audience.

7. Well managed and Integrated

Managing an eCommerce site without proper tools is a daunting task. A significant amount of time is required on a regular basis to download orders and update shipment status. Add the time required for updating contents like prices, quantities, new products, images, product catalog, managing a webstore becomes a full-time job.

Using tools like x2x eCommerce which integrate eCommerce with Dynamics GP ERP eliminate the need to manually maintain the contents, update item information, download orders and update shipment status.

x2x eCommerce

X2x eCommerce integrated eCommerce site with the Dynamics GP ERP system, It is like putting the web business on an auto pilot. X2x eCommerce cut significant amount of time required to administer and update the eCommerce site. This leave more time to concentrate on marketing and improving customer’s buying experience.



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