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Marketing Issues for Businesses in the World of E-Commerce

With the ongoing advancements, businesses are going online rapidly. Soon most business will be closing down stores and dealing with customers through websites. We are living in a one-click purchase era, consumers want their products delivered immediately and of the expected quality. The expectation does not end at the checkout, consumers want a completely pleasurable experience post-purchase as well. That is where a brand’s marketing skills are highly crucial.

Consumers now have various choices to choose from. If your business does not cater to consumers’ requirements, it has nowhere to go except exiting before it booms. The question now steps in, how can YOU as a marketer get ahead on your game? How can you manage data to create personalized experiences that turn your prospects into loyal conversions?

Before you merge your business with e-commerce, you must understand the importance of going online. With the increasing number of internet users, as a result, the responsibility of online businesses has also increased. It is required of them to have enough marketing ability to attract customers worldwide turning small businesses to large.

Marketing strategy and its coping strength.

Choosing the correct strategy does not mean picking what works for you at the moment, you need a strategy that is flexible enough to cope with changes, adding value to your business in the long term. You need to decide your product, target audience and most important the goals your business wants to achieve. You can consider two steps when initially starting your business;

  1. Social Media Marketing

Approximately 3.2 billion people across the world are social media users. You can use it to your advantage for marketing and get your message across to them by uploading content that may attract them. The platform could be of your choice depending on your product and target audience.

  1. Website Marketing

After social media where you may advertise your product and attract consumer, you bring them over to your website.

Provide them with more information regarding your business and your products. You can use your website to host a blog, provide contact information and a deeper insight on your goals and authenticity.

When a business starts growing it indeed faces challenges considering the competition and the rapid advancements. The internet gives consumers too much data and too many choices which in turn confuses the consumer. However, ending up with an accumulation of tech with siloed data which is more work, resources to manage and choices. To avoid piling up, you must;

  1. Consider tech consolidation and centralize your data. This will not only help you be free from pulling data from multiple tools. It will also give you a clear picture of your customers.

  2. Look for opportunities to consolidate your tech and your current stack, which can help you move your tasks towards a single platform.

For a website to be running, it needs to have a good amount of traffic. Without customer traffic, the website will practically be useless, but what about when you have a high traffic rate but low conversion? You must ensure your strategy is customer-centric giving your customers an experience that makes them want to shop and not drive them away. Focus on conversion and take advantage of the traffic your website is receiving. To achieve a balance between traffic and conversion you may;

Follow up through other channels Considering the fact that your business is online, you have endless opportunities of interacting your customers through every channel that your prospect may use to convert.

For instance; a customer provided you with their contact information on your website and added a product to their cart but abandoned it, you can utilize their information and e-mail them reminding their abandoned cart. Use cookies to target the visitor again through another website to bring them back for the item they wanted.

Offer purchase incentives To increase your sales or bring your old customers back, you may offer coupon codes, discounts and promote limited stock items to intrigue them towards your website again or for prospects to turn into converts.

Another marketing technique to encourage customers to purchase from you is to show scarcity around the product which will, in turn, have them purchase the respective item before it runs out.

Still not sure where your business is lacking? Don’t you worry, we are here to help you out. Contact us at and allow our experts to guide you during a 1 Hour FREE consultation session.



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