Must-Have features for your eCommerce Webstore
It is very important to have a featured packed webstore to succeed online today. In contrast, even the minute details really counts and makes a big difference!
Similarly, have you read our previous blog on 2019 Must-Have features for your eComemrce Webstore? If not, click the link below to read:
You really need to work hard towards customer satisfaction by bringing in additional features, which aids conversions, and improving overall eperience of the webstore. Your eCommerce portal needs to stand ahead from other’s ensuring a competitive edge in the market.
As mentioned earlier in the previous blog, these must haves are for any size businesses. It is very imperative that your webstore complies with the requirement that you are investing into for generating business. Every customer that visits your eCommerce site should visit with a particular interest, finding the required information, potential lead for conversions. You also need to get required notifications and reports in order to optimize your webstore continuously.
The trend goes with webstore designs. In fact, they are over focused towards it. I do admit the fact that a neat design will attract visitors but if your site does not generate sales for your eCommerce business, it is not worth the money you have invested. On the other hand, eCommerce solutions providers do not offer all the features for your site to be successful. SEO, Search Media Optimization and lead conversions aren’t add-ons; they need to be the mandatory features for any webstore project.
Content Management
Managing content and creating latest content pages
Adding and managing images in image library
Editing pages with a user friendly content editor
Setting pages to active or inactive state
Image cropping and editing feature
Setting up page URLs and SEO features
Easily manage your blog posts.
Managing the blog posts
Setting posts to active or inactive state
Setting the publishing date for posts
Adding & managing images in image library
Add blog summary and complete blog post using user friendly content editor
Add the blog posts to the product listings
Setting up page URLs and SEO features
Choosing blog categories and authors
Homepage Banners
Managing the homepage banners
Set the banner view orders
Setting up the banner URLs or unlinking them
Setting up banners to active or inactive state
Managing main navigations which includes headers, sides and footers
Adding the drop down to main navigation
Managing SEO on the links. For e.g. Link title
Redirecting links to open in same or new window
Auto Emails
Managing the main email template for auto response emails
Setting auto email for order status emails
Setting auto email for thank you emails on product reviews and blog comment postings
Review Management
Managing all product reviews
Setting reviews to approved or discarded state
Comment Management
Managing blog comments
Setting comments to approved or discarded state
Are you excited about 2019? On the other hand, are you not sure?
Certainly, you will have noticed that it is the same way at the end of every year! (Seriously, this happens to everyone every year!)
Our recommendation is to follow the right strategy, which you are always following: creating the best products your customers love, high customer engagement and adding new products to keep your users excited.
Ohh, almost forgot, building long-lasting relationships to grow your business higher.