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Dynamics 365 BC - Shopify

x2x eCommerce Dynamics 365 BC-Shopify integration provide the organizations with the tool to hassle-free  manage their Shopify eCommerce site


Why x2x eCommerce for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Shopify Integration ?

The x2x Dynamics 365 BC-Shopify integration enables organizations to use their ERP solution to manage their eCommerce store. By integrating Dynamics 365 BC and Shopify Integration, organizations can take full advantage of the capabilities and flexibility of the Shopify store as it will now be managed by Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

The solution works by creating a bi-directional integration of Dynamics 365 BC with the Shopify store.

Marble Surface

Features of Shopify & Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Integration :


  • Manages Shopify store and BC company

  • Sync BC items with Shopify Items

  • Sync BC item categories with Shopify Item categories

  • Map Shopify Payment methods with BC payment methods

  • Map Shopify Shipping methods with BC shipping methods

  • Map Shopify Tax details with BC Tax Details

  • Create Parent items and linked with child items

  • Download Shopify Orders to BC with shipping, tax, and payment information

  • B2C Customer Creation - create a customer or use a generic customer B2B

  • Choose a template to be used for creating unknown Shopify Customers in BC

  • Customer creation - create a customer on Shopify from BC

  • Customer creation - create an unknown customer in BC from Shopify with an order download

  • Item creation - create an item on Shopify from BC

  • Item creation - create unknown Shopify items in BC with order download

  • Item information update (inventory, list price, cost; and weight)

  • Shipping location downloaded from Shopify to BC

  • Inventory Scheduler – allow you to schedule the upload/update frequency of Inventory

  • Price Scheduler – allow you to schedule the upload/update frequency of price

  • Order download Scheduler – allow you to schedule the order downloading from Shopify to BC

  • Order dashboard displays all relevant details of Shopify orders in BC

  • Activity Logs – Complete log of successful / failures in data communications

System Integration of GP Magento
Product Catalog of GP Magento


  • Product Categories & Sub-categories uploaded from BC to Shopify

  • Create unlimited categories and sub-categories using BC Item Category Code field and upload them

  • Parent Item table available in configuration packages

  • Import/Export of items for parent & child assignment from excel available in x2x Shopify Actions


  • Item Upload in Bulk Menu Conveniently upload the items to the Shopify store

  • Upload price in Bulk Menu Conveniently upload/update the item's price to the Shopify store

Item Upload of GP Magento


  • The export/Import Items utility allows updating information in bulk within BC

  • Export/Import product categories/sub-categories

  • Assign items to a category or sub-category

Import Export of GP Magento
B2B Customer Integration of GP Magento


  • Mark a BC customer as a webstore to upload the customer to Shopify

  • Create a Cross-reference Shopify ID of the customer

  • Upload customer specific Sale prices to Shopify


  • Option to create Shopify customers in BC

  • Use the template to create customers in BC

  • Auto assign customer ID

  • Allow selection of BC Number Series for the Customer creation

B2C Customer Integration of GP Magento
Order Entry Process of GP Magento


  • Choose the status of the order to download

  • Change the status of downloaded orders

  • Use the BC order template to create web orders in BC

  • Upload regular orders entered in BC to Shopify

  • Check inventory availability at the time of order submission

  • Download the order in BC with tax, shipping, and payment information

  • Order download from different Shopify plus stores to different BC Companies


  • Order modified in Shopify will change the order in BC

  • Pre-authorization obtained with the original order is canceled

  • New pre-authorization is obtained for the revised amount

Order Modification Process of GP Magento
Order Cancellation Process of GP Magento


  • An order canceled in Shopify will cancel the order in BC

  • Pre-authorization obtained with the original order will be canceled


  • Order shipped in BC and fulfillment status updated on Shopify

  • Once Shipped, the shipment no is created in BC

Shipping Process of GP Magento


  • Order refunded on Shopify will be updated in Business Central

  • Sales Returns will be created

Refund Order Claim Process


  • Order converted to invoice in BC and upload on Shopify

  • After uploading of Invoice the transaction number is assigned by Shopify

  • Customer is charged and the pre-auth is released

Invoicing Process of GP Magento
Payment Process of GP Magento


  • Amount pre-authorized at the time of order placement is taken as receipt

  • If the amount is changed, the amount received is to be modified

  • No entry is created when the pre-auth is converted to a charge

Security of 365 BC to Shopify Integratio

Dynamics 365 BC - Shopify Integration, A one-stop solution :

Regular updating of the latest prices, inventory availability, item information, and categories is automatically done on Shopify.

This presents your customers with the ability to compare each product and its prices and make sure that the item they order is available in stock.

Automating workflow and complete visibility of sales orders helps you process faster and get happier customers.

You will receive actionable insights into your eCommerce business that will result in taking smarter decisions.

Marble Surface
Benefits of Dynamics 365 BC - Shopify Integration :
  • Fully automated bi-directional synchronization.

  • Error reduction by streamlining the process.

  • Accelerated shipment processes.

  • Configurable and adjustable user interface.

  • Quick and easy implementation.

  • 24/7 unlimited support availability.



"We are very happy that we have automated our processes using x2x e-commerce, it has resulted in significant time savings for us as there is not a need to invoice online orders received. With the integration into GP, we have eliminated the need for staff to enter orders as they now go directly in our system. Being in an essentially live environment makes for improved accuracy and labour savings."

Terri L , Amos Pewter

Two Men Shaking Hands



Read more about eCommerce integration features and Cases on how x2x eCommerce has benefited customers across the region.

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